Details on how to reduce cholesterol by folk remedies

Cholesterol is part of the body's cells. It is divided into "good" and "bad." The first is needed for the well-coordinated work of the body and the formation of vitamin D. The second causes atherosclerosis, as it creates plaques on the vessel walls and clogs their lumens. This leads to heart attacks and strokes. Every person needs to know how to lower cholesterol by folk remedies.

how to reduce cholesterol by folk remedies

Step 1. Remove products of animal origin

Changes in nutrition should be made gradually,accustoming themselves to plant foods. Traditional recipes will have to be postponed and found suitable. Here are the products, the use of which must be minimized:

  • egg yolks (no more than three pieces per week);
  • sausages, smoked sausage;
  • liver, by-products;
  • Cheese and dairy products with high fat content;
  • fatty sour cream and cream;
  • butter, lard.

About how to reduce cholesterol by folk remedies, written a lot. But the main thing is not only to read the article, but to start taking real steps.

Step 2. Eat more useful products

The fight against cholesterol should be daily, not occasionally. It is important to know which products are capable of displaying it. It:

  • apples, other fruits, greens, vegetables;
  • bran, cereals;
  • legumes (beans, lentils);
  • vegetable and fruit juices;
  • olives, soy products.

A few more words on how to lower cholesterolpeople's means. It is very useful fatty fish - it dilutes the blood and this prevents the formation of blood clots. The inclusion of vegetable oils in the diet also improves the condition of the body. It is better to choose olive, as oleic acid, contained in its composition, displays bad cholesterol. The inclusion of nuts in the diet helps to heal. Sunflower seeds are also useful.

cholesterol control

Step 3. Physical activity

High cholesterol levels are "afraid" of physical activity. It is not necessary to spend several hours in the gym. It is enough to choose for itself complexes of exercises and constantly to be engaged.

If you can not do gymnastics, you need to walk more, move and sit less in front of the TV.

Step 4. Quit smoking

The damage to smoking in atherosclerosis is proved by scientists. Cigarettes increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

High cholesterol

Step 5. Herbs and Gathering

If you do not know how to reduce cholesterol by folk remedies, try the recipes of our grandmothers:

  1. Dandelion. The dried roots of the plant are ground into powder and drunk before eating. At 1 reception you need 1 tsp. facilities. Improvement is promised in half a year of constant admission.
  2. Beans. Half a cup of product is poured in water and left overnight. In the morning, pour fresh water and cook until ready. Eat 2 times a day. Every day a new portion is prepared. Consume beans 3 weeks. During this time, cholesterol drops by 10%.
  3. Licorice. 2 tablespoons of roots pour 500 ml of hot water, cook for 10 minutes over a small fire. The broth is cooled, taken inside four times a day for a third of the glass after eating. Treatment is 2-3 weeks.

So, let's sum up. To lower cholesterol, you need to eat right, move more, do not smoke and use herbs. Take care of your health, then you will not need to take pills.