Reasoning on the theme of the novel Les Miserables: Victor Hugo introduces real people into his work

Reading the works of famous mastersliterary genre of past centuries, a person involuntarily sinks into the atmosphere of that time, experiencing all those events that occur not only in the book itself, but also at the time of its writing. This is due to the fact that the author usually looks at life through the prism of the world around him and the events that occur in him. Thus, the novel "Les Miserables" (Victor Hugo) allows the reader to travel to the time of ancient France. They are ruled by corrupt officials, and the principle detectives are working, and the poor and opposition are preparing another uprising, which should lead the country out of the crisis. At the same time, the author shows the social life of all strata of the population, and not just individual groups of the population.

outcast Victor Hugo

It is worth noting the most interesting plot, whichused Victor Hugo. "Les Miserables" (the content of the work is difficult to convey in a nutshell) is a novel that captures the reader from the very first lines and keeps them in suspense until the last paragraph. At the same time, the author chose a rather interesting manner of narration. His protagonist is a former convict who throughout his life struggles with the solution of many ethical and moral problems. At the same time, one way or another, he constantly has to deal with people who played a role in the history of France and deserve a separate narrative of personal life and deeds. Thus, the work turns into a collection of various stories and a description of historical events.

 viktor hugo outcast content

However, we should not regard the novel Les Miserables as a historical narrative. Victor Hugo slightly changed some of the events, added to the characters sharpness and brightness.

It should be noted that it is secondary heroesspecial attention was paid. In the novel Les Miserables, Victor Hugo deduces real personalities such as Gavroche and Widoc. At the same time, he assigns some of them to individual character traits, changing the name, and to others it is their popularity that creates a certain image when reading.

In the novel "Les Miserables" Victor Hugo usesa rather interesting style of transmission of historical events, which in our time was used by Winston Grum in his book "Forrest Gump." It is worth noting that both of the works were precisely due to this that they were filmed, which won more fans. The French book appears in this role for many times already, although, according to most famous critics, it was the last screen version that was able to convey the spirit of those times, which Victor Hugo describes so vividly.

viktor hugo outcast volume 1

"Les Miserables" ... Volume 1 is read in one breath, and immediately I want to take up the continuation. However, having sustained a short pause, the reader plunges into a stream of his own reflections on morality and ethics of those times, presenting himself in the place of one or another character. This book can be deservedly called the property of world literature and an artistic addition to the history of France. She is not bad at forming her own opinion, directing a person not only to the path that is beneficial to him, but also showing more ethical and fair decisions in terms of morality.