How to cure snot in babies in accessible and safe ways

Heavy breathing, sneezing, sucking breasts -all these signs are accompanied by snot in the baby. The clogged spout does not allow the baby to fully breathe, which, naturally, affects feeding and sleeping. The kid is very ill and needs help urgently.

The main symptoms of a common cold in babies are similarwith the symptoms that arise in an adult person. The same stuffy nasal sinuses, discharge from the nose and constant sneezing. As a rule, the cause of a strong cold (it also rhinitis) is an infection. But here it is important to know that snot in a newborn can be caused by other kinds of cold: neurovegetative, vasomotor or allergic.

Inflammatory rhinitis may occur against a background of a variety of infections in the airways.

An allergic variety of rhinitis is caused by some allergen.

Vasomotor runny nose becomes a consequence of a violation of the autonomic relationship of blood vessels to the central nervous system.

To assign the right treatment, it is extremely important to establish the cause of rhinitis in the baby in time.

Unlike an adult cold, in infantsthis type of disease proceeds somewhat differently, especially in babies up to a year. The problem is that at this age the child can not yet independently release his nose from the accumulating mucus. In addition, the structure of the nose in the baby contributes to a more severe course of rhinitis.

Medical preparations

If there were snot in babies, doctorsrecommend to use imunnomoduljator "Derinat" (Russian manufacture) which it is authorized to apply from the first days of a life of newborns. The drug is released in the form of drops, which instill the baby's nose from two to four times a day. This drug is not only well tolerated, but also fights microbes that cause rhinitis.

It is very important not to give the slime accumulating in the nozzle, to dry up, this will cause the baby to start breathing with the mouth, which is the risk of getting pneumonia or bronchitis.

The most common and affordable waygetting rid of rhinitis - washing the nasal sinuses of the baby with saline solution (saline solution). Every thirty minutes you can drip three to four drops in the nose, without fear of an overdose. Also, snot in newborns can be treated by rinsing with "Aquamaris" drops.

Drops that help to narrow the blood vessels, "Nazivin", you canuse no more than three days. You can use the drug "Laferon", digging into a nozzle on a pair of droplets two or three times a day. The popular drug "Delufen" can also be used twice a day, but only in a spray. The choice of the drug is best entrusted to the doctor (with the exception of saline solutions), which will recommend the optimal in one way or another means. What you should not do is to drip all the drugs in a row in the hope that this will help to cope with the disease more quickly.

General Tips

Snot in the baby should not only be treatedit is important to do this in combination with adherence to general recommendations. The legs of the baby should be kept warm, avoid drafts. Breastfeed your child as often as possible. If the baby is already eating the mixture, be sure to give him more drink (this can be water, children's tea, compote). And do not forget about the disinfection measures! Remember the advice of grandmothers who laid out finely chopped garlic on plates in all rooms.

The snot at the baby can be removed with the help of such a wonderful assistant, as a suction pump. It is especially useful in severe forms of rhinitis, strong nasal congestion.

For the treatment of rhinitis in infants, not only traditional but also traditional medicine, which is not tested by one generation, is widely used.

Juice Kalanchoe is a great example. Choose one of the lower leaves of the plant, wash it and squeeze out the juice. Then we filter through the gauze folded several times, in order to avoid falling pulp into the solution. The smallest children juice is diluted 1 to 1 with breast milk, older children - with some water (boiled). It is important to consider the following point. It is possible to bury juice if the baby’s nose is not too swelling, so that it is possible not only to sneeze, but also to get rid of snot (which simply “take off”). With the nasal sinuses in place, first drip with a children's vasoconstrictor. Kalanchoe juice helps to quickly overcome a runny nose, but in some cases it can lead to deterioration. Therefore, it is necessary to use it very moderately and carefully (especially for the first time).