Eczema on the face

Eczema is a disease thatis considered hereditary. It is manifested by the so-called inflammatory process of a special layer of the epidermis. The appearance of eczema is always accompanied by severe rashes and unpleasant itching. Eczema on the neck or face is considered the most common form of the disease.

It is worth noting that most often it startssuddenly, thus recalling erysipelas. In the beginning on the face, for example, there is a small swelling. Then the redness spreads over a large area. As a result, on the human skin, vesicles are formed, which are strongly itchy and sore. If you open such a vial, then in its place, a little point erosion is formed. After a while, all the bubbles burst, and the skin in this area dries a little. However, this is not the end. In a day or two at the same place, everything starts anew.

If we talk about the localization of this disease, thenit is, first of all, lips, nose and eyebrows. It happens that eczema appears even on the eyelids of a person, which leads to permanent peeling and thickening of the skin on them. On the lips, the disease manifests itself as the formation of a set of white scales. Then the lips themselves begin to become covered with thick crusts, bleed and crack violently. Eczema on the face brings a very painful feeling to the person.

According to statistics, this disease developssymmetrically. That is, if a rash appeared on one eyebrow, then the next one will soon be the same. Eczema on the face, in addition to all this, changes its character. For example, small erosions first start to get wet, and then they turn into scales. All these rashes appear unevenly, then in one place, then in another.

Eczema on the face has several forms. The most dangerous and unpleasant is acute. With this form of the disease, almost the entire face swells. A person does not just suffer from this kind of rash, and his general condition worsens. For example, a sick person feels tired, he is irritable. Headaches are a constant companion of eczema. Sometimes specialists observe a worsening of appetite and a rise in the patient's temperature. Acute eczema often turns into a so-called chronic form.

If a person has eczema on his face, treatmentthe disease is likely to take some time. The matter is that for more effective treatment of such a disease it is necessary to eliminate the cause of its appearance, which in most cases is an immune conflict. This is usually an ordinary allergy. Specialists try to normalize the work of the patient's autonomic and nervous system. As for the result of the treatment, the experienced doctor will be able to eliminate not only the manifestations accompanying the eczema on the skin, but also to achieve a stable remission. That is why any treatment should always begin directly with the restoration of the work and function of the adrenal gland, thyroid gland, gastrointestinal tract. These organs are most often the main cause of the appearance of rashes on the neck and face. Only after eliminating the problem in the body can a doctor begin to treat the consequences of rashes.

It is important to remember that in no case is it worthto comb the damaged area, rip off the scales and burst the bubbles. This way you will only damage the skin of the face. With the artificial opening of the blisters and the removal of peeling on the face, there may be scars that will be visible to others. For the treatment of eczema in the second stage, special preparations, ointments are used. They can be purchased at the pharmacy only by prescription. Without the help of a specialist in this situation you can not do. Address to the professional. Try to pre-settle, because nervous experiences contribute to an increase in the area of ​​eczema.