Temperature regulator in control circuits

Automatic control systemsThey are designed to control parameters such as current, voltage, power, pressure, etc. A special place in this kind of systems is assigned to control schemes. Depending on the object, this or that control principle is used. If we are interested in heating elements, then in most devices there is no need to build high-speed circuits.

Temperature regulator
This simplifies the circuit implementation of the device and, most importantly,most importantly, allows you to use a "sparing" mode for power modules. This approach significantly prolongs their service life and reduces the time of forced downtime when repairing equipment. In terms of production, this is an important factor. Each unplanned stop of the production line leads to a decrease in the output of the final product, which, naturally, affects its cost price.

As an example, we can consider a smalla system where a temperature controller is used. The control system has two inputs - the reference and feedback signals. Suppose that the parameter signal must be brought to a certain value by the reference signal. The temperature controller used will gently increase the current in the heating elements to the maximum. After that, it will compare the feedback signal and the task. As soon as they equalize - there will be a smooth shutdown of the object. Typically, such systems are hysteresis for reverse switching on / off - this is necessary to ensure the stable operation of the entire system.

air temperature regulator
Previously, for switching the power circuit of heatingdevices used contact circuits, which have a number of shortcomings: a sharp increase in the load current, rapid wear of power contacts, etc. The modern temperature controller controls power modules based on thyristors, triacs, IGBT transistors, etc. Each such unit has its own features in the control, which should be taken into account when designing the device.

Good prospects for managing powerfulproduction facilities, for example, induction furnaces, has a thyristor temperature controller. The element has excellent performance characteristics and showed itself well when working with an active load. In the management of other types of loads, these devices, which were innovative at one time, gradually give way to more modern schemes.

water temperature regulator
Sometimes it becomes necessary to useair temperature regulator. A good example in this case can serve as a small device that works in the sauna. As you can see, there is a reference signal (degrees Celsius). The feedback in this case is the signal from the temperature sensor, which is located inside the sauna. By the same principle, the water temperature regulator also works, only the type of sensor used changes. Such devices are also used in production (of course, they are characterized by much greater power).

With the advent of innovative powerThe basis of semiconductor devices is the gradual replacement of "obsolete" circuits. Only the principles of regulation by which these devices operate remain unchanged.