Tank "Skoda T 40": First impressions

Word of Tanks is a game that has won heartsmillions of players around the world. The reason for this was an unusual setting - it does not have magic, elves and other things, but there are powerful and brutal tanks. Play it, even those who are little interested in the world of online entertainment.

Quite recently a branch of nations was replenished with Czechoslovakia's machines, in particular, the premium tank "Skoda T 40" was added. So, what can he do to please fans of steel monsters?

First impressions

tank scud 40

A new tank can be purchased for playing gold. Like all premium technology, it has a number of pleasant bonuses - faster crewing, lower repair costs, all modules are already open, etc.

Tank "Skoda T 40" - This is a machine of the sixth level, it belongs to the classmedium technology. So, even if you were at the top of the team list, do not forget that on the battlefield you will definitely face much more armored opponents. Like all medium vehicles, the small amount of strength and poor booking of the Skoda T 40 tank compensates for the high speed and maneuverability.Its ideal role in the team - support or quick "dashes" into the enemy camp with the subsequent shooting of artillery and zazevavshihsya players. guns and recharge time contribute to this.

Overview of the tank "Skoda T 40"

a review of the tank t 40

  • Stock of safety - 700.
  • Booking of the forehead / board / feed - 65,40 / 35.
  • Engine power - 700 hp
  • The maximum speed is 50 km.ch.
  • Overview - 370 m.
  • The radio communication range is 740.
  • The gun is 88mm L / 56.
  • The penetration of the BB is 132 mm.

This tank, like all premium cars, for the battle gets muchmore credits and experience, which makes it possible to use "gold" shells more often. And alas, without them it will be hard, since armor-piercing with a standard BB-projectile will often be missed. A 200-mm "gold" - it's almost guaranteed penetration of opponents even level 8. However, as it was said, the tank "Skoda T 40" obviously not for the game in the first line because of the low thickness of the armor. Yes, and an excellent overview makes it possible to use ambushes tactics, especially one-time damage of 200 units is a weighty argument.

The disadvantages include long stabilizationguns, frequent disabling of the BC and poor penetration of standard shells. But in general, with a competent game with frequent changes of positions and the use of shelters, this is a very formidable weapon.