What is the beginning? The beginnings of the epic

Today we will consider what is the beginning. Various explanatory dictionaries give slightly different values. We consider the basic definitions. The beginning is also characteristic of the epic. We will tell you when it will be appropriate.


what is the beginning
To understand what is the beginning,we turn to Terminological Dictionary Rusova N. Yu. This source defines the term of interest to us, as a stable formula with which folklore works originate. Should separately consider what is the origin of the epic. It is a question of its beginning. And in the epic chant can precede the fragment of interest to us. Now let's talk about such a work as a fairy tale. She also often has such an introduction. He may be preceded by a sentence. However, this phenomenon does not always occur.


Now, in order to understand what is the beginning,Let's turn to the Literary Encyclopedia. According to this source, we are talking about joining the epic with the help of some traditional formula. In part, it is related to the narrative. In this the main difference is the beginning of a song or a joke. They have no such connection. The fragment of interest to us is intertwined with the narrative geographically, chronologically or otherwise. Example: "Once in the glorious city of Kiev."

Folk art

the beginnings of the epic
Now turn to the help of the Dictionaryliterary terms ". According to this source, the beginning is a verbal stable formula, which begins epics, fairy tales, as well as other works related to oral folk art. Examples are: "Once upon a time", "In the Thirtieth State", "It was in Murom". A similar definition is also given by the publication "Pedagogical Speech: A Dictionary-Directory". The beginning is the beginning of a specific text, which has a special communicative function (purpose). This part is determined by the author on the basis of the idea, theme and goals of the work. Also of great importance in this case are the interests and possibilities of the addressee. Now you know what the beginning is.