Rosehip Contraindications have, but benefits it has more

Multivitamin Drink from Dried Fruitsrosehip bears versatile action: toning, antisclerotic and regenerating, anti-inflammatory and hematopoietic. This tea perfectly stimulates the work of all internal secretion and perfectly normalizes metabolism in the body of substances. It has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, as well as on the lungs, the heart, the gastrointestinal tract, which contributes to an active increase in the various protective forces of the human body. Another decoction of the fruit of this bush is useful for a variety of diseases, especially if immunity is required.

Hips composition

Rosehip is quite a multivitaminplant, because its fruits are much superior to other plants for the variety and quantitative content of vitamins. Water infusion of these fruits increases the body's high resistance during infectious diseases, weakens the development of arteriosclerosis, and has tonic and restorative effects. Rose hips include sugar, pectins, organic acids (both lemon and apple), tannins, flavonoids (isokvercetin, quercetin, kaempferol, lycopene, rubixanthin), fatty oil, ascorbic acid, B vitamins, carotene, tocopherols, trace elements - magnesium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, calcium. In addition to all this, effective anti-atherosclerotic properties of dogrose, due to ascorbic acid, have been proved. In the hips, its content is about 600 mg / 100 g of dried fruit, which is several times higher than in lemons or black currant. A full complex of these vitamins stimulates immediate activation in the body's enzyme systems.

Dog Rose Treatment

Rosehips, contra-indications of which, of course,are present (about this below), has a pronounced antiscorbutic effect, stimulates the body's resistance to harmful environmental influences, infections and other unfavorable factors.

Rosehip fruits have a positive effecton the synthesis of hormones, the regeneration of tissues, affect favorably on carbohydrate metabolism, and also on the permeability of blood vessels. Still have anti-inflammatory, diuretic and excellent choleretic effect.

Drinking from rose hips is often used in the treatmentatherosclerosis, hypovitaminosis C and R, are prescribed for chronic infections, chronic liver diseases, ulcer disease, colds, increased bleeding, bronchial asthma, endocrine disorders, cholecystitis and hepatitis.

Rosehip greatly increasesredox function of the body, stabilizes the content of adrenaline, increases the resistance of the human body to infections. The present vitamin B1 ensures optimal performance of the NS, promotes the complete absorption of fats, and even carbohydrates. Vitamin K has analgesic, antimicrobial and antibacterial action.

Infusion of fruits significantly increases the constantthe secretion of bile, stimulates the functions of the sexual glands, stops bleeding. Infusion accelerates the healing of burns, wounds, frostbite. Pulp has a light and mild relaxing effect. Small rose hips have a choleretic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect.

Drink of fruits used for tuberculosis, bladder problems, with a dangerous kidney stone disease.

Rosehips. Contraindications

It should be very carefully used drugs with rose hip extract for those who have increased acidity, gastritis and peptic ulcer.

If you often drink a strong drink from a dogrose, a fairly damaging effect can affect the teeth.

Contraindicated dog rose and people that havepropensity to form blood clots. Also, it is necessary to treat this plant and cores carefully: the dog rose has its contra-indications for endocarditis and some other cardiac problems.

So, dog rose, which has contra-indications to use, should be taken very carefully and carefully. But remember, it's quite useful, it's also delicious!