The thyrotropic hormone is raised: what does too high a level mean?

The development of this hormone occurs in the pituitary gland. He is responsible for stimulating the appearance of thyroid hormones: T3 - triiodothyronine, T4, respectively, thyroxine. The presence of these substances in the body is very important, because they perform several functions.

increased thyroid stimulating hormone

In particular, they are responsible for the protein andcarbohydrate metabolism and the work of the reproductive system, stomach, intestines, heart, vascular system and the state of the psyche. It is natural, therefore, that when the thyroid-stimulating hormone is elevated in the body, this affects the state of the person not in the best way. TTG stimulates the formation of thyroid hormones. When their level rises, they, for their part, suppress the secretion of TSH. Thus, the principle of regulation can be described as "feedback".

On what does the norm depend?

The thyroid-stimulating hormone (TTG) depends not on anya certain reason, but from several. For example, if a person has hypothyroidism, this indicates a decreased concentration of T3 and T4. Hyperthyroidism, on the contrary, indicates their increased concentration. If these hormones are produced in the body too actively, thyrotoxicosis, that is, poisoning, can develop. Their normal production is designated in medicine by the term "euteriosis."


The thyroid-stimulating hormone in women and men regulates the activity of the thyroid gland, although it has nothing to do with its production. That is why the level of TSH is checked along with the level of thyroid hormones.

thyroid-stimulating hormone in women

Delivery of tests

In order to make sure that you have been promotedthyroid-stimulating hormone, it is necessary to donate blood for analysis. A few days before, you will have to give up smoking and too much physical activity. The delivery of blood should occur in the morning, breakfast before this is prohibited. If you want to see how the level of hormones fluctuates, the tests must be taken at the same time of day. Who is at risk? As a rule, thyroid-stimulating hormone is increased in patients with thyroid pathologies. In addition, women after fifty must take tests every six months.

thyroid-stimulating hormone TTG

Standards of the norm

It should be emphasized that the norm for men andwomen is different. Therefore, specific figures will not be given in this article. If you want to know what level of hormone is normal specifically for you, you will have to contact an endocrinologist. In a healthy adult, the amount of TSH varies within 24 hours, with the greatest concentration recorded in the early morning. This is especially important when planning a pregnancy.

Too high

What can be testified by the fact that youelevated thyroid stimulating hormone? According to experts, this is considered one of the signs of mental illness. In addition, a high level of TSH can indicate greater physical exertion, as well as pregnancy. In this case it is not necessary to be frightened, however it is necessary to closely monitor your hormonal background and the state of the endocrine system (especially up to the second month). This period is considered the most important for the condition of the fetus, since his thyroid gland can not yet work independently.