Hypothyroidism in women: symptoms and treatment

Thyroid gland, the main function of whichis the maintenance of the metabolic process at the proper level, thyroxine (hormone) is produced. It penetrates into tissues and cells through the blood circulating throughout the body.

Hypothyroidism in women with symptoms
When the thyroid gland does not show enoughactivity and secretes less thyroxine, hypothyroidism occurs. In women, symptoms are manifested in the form of constipation, weight gain, fatigue, a feeling of cold, muscle pains, a slow process of urine output from the body, dry skin, depression, slow mental activity. That is, in fact, with this disease, all metabolic processes are inhibited, and metabolism is also disturbed.

All the symptoms of hypothyroidism in women are due to a decrease in the amount of thyroxine in the body. It is possible that many signs of the disease may be absent.

In the case of a decrease in the tonality of the voice due toedema of the vocal cords may also be identified hypothyroidism. In women, symptoms can manifest as a violation of the menstrual cycle, abundant discharge during this period, loss of sexual desire, infertility. In addition, the disease has a detrimental effect on memory and orientation in the space of people in old age.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism in women
Even if all these symptoms are observed, another disease can be identified, rather than hypothyroidism. In women, the symptoms of the disease often manifest slowly, and the deterioration occurs gradually, during more than one month. For this reason, diagnosis is often difficult.

Treatment of hypothyroidism in women must beginimmediately, since in the absence of therapy there is a risk of the appearance and further development of cardiac insufficiency. The reason for this is an increased level of lipids in the blood because of a decrease in the amount of thyroxine.

Complications in the form of pre-eclampsia (latetoxicosis), anemia, stillbirth and severe bleeding in the postpartum period may occur if hypothyroidism occurs during pregnancy. In women, the symptoms in this case contribute to the early detection of the disease.

Treatment of hypothyroidism in women
The diagnosis is established by a doctor-endocrinologist on the basis of examination of the patient and the results of the following studies:

- determination of the number of hormones of triiodothyronine, thyroxine, which becomes less with hypothyroidism, and nitireotrope - its presence can be both lowered and elevated;

- biochemical blood test (with the disease there is an increase in the level of lipids);

- ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland (carried out to determine its structure and size).

The basis of the treatment of hypothyroidism ishormone replacement therapy. The endocrinologist must select the required dosage of the drug, based on the severity and duration of the disease, the age of the patient. In almost half of the cases, hypothyroidism should be treated for life. In order to control the treatment process, you need to contact an endocrinologist regularly (approximately once a year).