Antibacterial and antifungal ointment "Boro Plus": instructions for use

boro plus instruction
"Boro Plus" means the instruction as a cosmetic product developed by specialists in the field of dermatology and intended for local outdoor use.

Description of pharmacological properties of the preparation

It is based on a variety of substancesof natural origin, which have a pronounced antifungal and antibacterial activity. Due to this composition, the antiseptic preparation "Boro Plus" (instructions for use confirms) provides faster healing of scratches, cuts, abrasions and surface burns, and also effectively protects against frostbite and suppuration, it helps well with insect bites. In addition, this anti-inflammatory drug is indispensable for intriguing and impetigo.

boro plus instructions for use

Features of the formulation

The composition of the antibacterial preparation "BoroPlus "(the instructions to it are in each package) includes such natural plant components as turmeric, vetiver, kachari, aloe, sandal, kapur, tulash, talcum and niim, which perfectly relieves burning and itching, and also tones the skin well. cooling, regulates sweating and eliminates sweat odor.

Components such as kachari and turmeric are goodhelp with a variety of skin diseases, and talc excellently eliminates any unpleasant odors. Aloe, also present in the composition of this cream, provides the necessary moisturizing, and in a very short time relieves burning, cools and reduces inflammation. As for tulasi and sandal, these two components have pronounced antiseptic and antibacterial properties.

ointment borax plus instruction

Area of ​​use of cream

Use the Boro antifungal agentPlus, "the instruction advises people suffering from herpes, furunculosis, festering wounds, cracks on the lips or nipples. In addition, this antibacterial ointment is good for burns, frostbites, contact dermatitis and insect bites.

In case of hypersensitivity or drynessSkin is also worth starting to use the antiseptic "Boro Plus". The instruction recommends using it and with the purpose of faster healing of postoperative scars.

Basic contraindications for use

Apply this cream company-manufacturerstrictly prohibits in the event of a person's allergic reaction to any of the natural components that are present in the composition. For this reason, to avoid the appearance of undesirable side effects, before using this antibacterial agent directly, it is recommended to apply a small amount on the skin (for example, under the knee).

If within 24 hours thereafter there will be nothere is a rash, itching or redness, then you can safely start using the antiseptic ointment Boro Plus. Instructions in this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor beforehand.