The main symptoms of stomach ulcers and gastritis

Gastric ulcer, as well as gastritis are among thethe most common diseases of the digestive system. Every year, they are detected by millions of people. In many cases, suspected of these diseases already allow the first symptoms of stomach ulcers and gastritis. The main one is pain. It can be localized in various areas of the abdominal cavity and even the chest wall. It is for this reason that these diseases must be differentiated from the pathology of other organs and systems.

Symptoms of stomach ulcers and gastritis

Symptoms of stomach ulcers and gastritis in the early stagesnonspecific. As noted earlier, the most important of them is the pain of one or another severity or localization. In the case of gastritis, it is often dull, aching, and its occurrence is most often associated with a violation in the diet. Especially typical is the appearance of such pain, if a person does not eat for a long time, and then ate something sharp enough. Gastritis is a chronic disease. When the pathological process worsens, the patient, in addition to pain, often has nausea and vomiting.

Symptoms of stomach and duodenal ulcers

Symptoms of stomach and duodenal ulcersmore pronounced. This disease is also chronic with a characteristic alternation of phases. In the case of an exacerbation, the patient often experiences severe pain. In most patients, its main focus is in the epigastric region (if the abdominal cavity is divided into 3 equal levels, then epigastrium is the uppermost of them). By its nature, the pain can be quite different. Often it is associated with eating. An experienced physician is able to determine the localization of the pathological process by the nature of the pain. In the event that they occur immediately after eating, then most likely the ulcer is located in the cardiac part of the stomach or in his body. If the pain appears only a couple of hours after a meal, then this indicates a pyloric ulcer of the pyloric part of the stomach. The appearance of pain after 4 hours indicates the ulcer of the 12-colon. There are also "hungry" or "nocturnal" pains that occur after 7 (or even more) hours after eating.

Treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcer

Symptoms of stomach ulcers and gastritis canconsiderably differ. This is especially clear in the event that there are some complications of an ulcer. Most often it's about bleeding. In this case, the patient is observed melena (black feces) and vomiting "coffee grounds". Both symptoms are associated with the chemical interaction of blood and hydrochloric acid. Another dangerous complication of an ulcer is its perforation. In this case, all other symptoms of gastric ulcer and gastritis seem completely insignificant, because the patient experiences extreme pain when perforating, and peritonitis may develop.

In the event that a person has pain in theabdominal cavity or other above mentioned symptoms of stomach ulcers and gastritis, then he should definitely consult a specialist. Only the doctor will be able to assign exactly those tests that will be able to clarify the alleged diagnosis. If the disease is revealed, he will prescribe the correct, full-fledged treatment of stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers, as well as gastritis. With strict adherence to recommendations, the patient will be able to forget about pain and other unpleasant symptoms.