Tablets for abortion: a way of using and effectiveness

Unfortunately, modern life is so complicated,that we can not insure ourselves against appearance in our life of undesirable moments, abortion including. It often happens that a woman decides to stop pregnancy, and for this, nothing to do but to agree to an abortion. The consequences of this procedure are known to everyone, but even so, the women who decided on it were no more. A few years ago, for the first time, people started talking about medical abortion, which is carried out with the use of special medicines. Today it is used in different countries and is considered one of the safest.

Abortion with pills: the essence of the procedure

Tablets for abortion began to be developed in80-ies of the last century. It took a lot of time to make sure of their effectiveness and begin to apply in practice. For the termination of pregnancy, two drugs are used: mifepristone and misoprostol. The so-called tablet abortion is conducted at the maximum on the eighth week of pregnancy. It is worth noting that, despite all its simplicity, the procedure is carried out only under the supervision of doctors, therefore it is forbidden to interrupt pregnancy on its own using tablets at home.

Tablets for abortion are accepted on the followingscheme: after a detailed examination and ultrasound, the doctor decides whether to allow such an abortion or not. Then the pregnant woman drinks mifepristone (stimulates detachment of the fetal egg) and continues to be under the supervision of a doctor. Somewhere after four to five hours she drinks misoprostol, a support drug that causes a contraction of the uterus, after which she herself pushes the fetal egg. When exactly the output of the fetal egg occurs, it is difficult to say. It may take several hours, and maybe several days.

Two weeks later, a woman mustcome for a follow-up visit to the doctor. This examination is very important, as it will make it clear whether everything went well, and whether the fetal egg was expelled from the uterus. Very rarely there are cases when this does not happen, and then a woman is prescribed scraping of the uterus, i.e. habitual kind of abortion.

Tablets for abortion: the pros and cons

In any case, no matter how good this procedure is, it has not only advantages but also drawbacks.

The advantages of medical abortion include:

  • Independently opening the cervix, as a result of which it is not injured.
  • The probability of entering the uterus of an infection is excluded, as it often happens with the case with a normal abortion.
  • No need to carry out anesthesia
  • There is no violation of the hormonal balance
  • The procedure is practically painless, except that pain and blood discharge appear, as well as during normal menstruation.
  • Absence of stress and fear after an abortion.

The disadvantages of medical abortion include:

  • A small chance that the termination of pregnancy still does not come (no more than 2-3%).
  • Vomiting and nausea may occur. The doctor may decide to prescribe the drug again.
  • The temperature may rise, but this is extremely rare.

Despite the fact that the tablet for abortion todayare used quite often, disputes over whether this is normal are not being quashed all over the world. Part of the world's population insists on the complete abolition of all types of abortion, including medication. The other part in the pill for abortion finds a quite worthy alternative to the usual methods of abortion. No matter what they say, for now it is the medical method of abortion that is the safest, not traumatizing uterus and the psyche of a woman. At least she does not have to go to the scalpel.