A restorative means of the 21st century is "Notta". Instructions for use

Stress-resistance is one of the main requirementsto the worker in our time. But how long can you live in a state of anxiety and cares? Everyone is exposed to stress: from the housewife, who is going through her home and everyday problems, to the director of the firm who is going to sign an important contact. To protect yourself from stressful situations no one is able, no matter how stolid and calm the person may be.

One of the drugs that are popularto relieve stress and fatigue, is "Notta". The advantage of this medication is that it is a homeopathic remedy, and there are no side effects yet.

The drug "Notta": general characteristics

The main components of the nottes are phosphorus, chamomile, zinc valerianate, oats sown and coffee tree. The drug is produced both in the form of drops (100 ml), and in the form of tablets.

The drug is intended for those who are concernedinsomnia and high fatigue, increased palpitation due to anxiety, mental stress, sudden mood swings. Emotional overload when applying the drug "Notta" is not so much reflected on the body. It can be given to children (starting from 3 years) with high excitability or fatigue, attention disorder, restlessness.

Individual components of the drug determinegeneral effect of tablets and drops "Notta". Instruction for use indicates that it is therefore impossible to analyze its interaction with other drugs. It is also impossible to accurately determine the products of its metabolism. After all, the effect of components can be traced only separately with the help of markers or other analyzes, rather than their complex effect on the body.

The drug "Notta": the correct dosage

Usually an adult is prescribed 10 drops or 1tablet of the drug "Notta". Instruction for use suggests taking it 3 times in 24 hours. Children from 3 to 12 years take half of this dose. In total, the course can last up to 4 months, but if the cause of the patient's condition is psychotraumatic, the drug is taken up to 4 weeks.

In the early days or for faster removalsymptoms, you can increase the total daily dose to 8 times a day. Immediately after the condition begins to improve, the notte is taken as a standard - 3 times a day.

Drops can be consumed in pure form ordiluted with water, and the tablet is placed under the tongue. To better assimilate the ingredients 30 minutes before meals or alternately 1 hour after it, take the drug "Notta". Instruction for use states that the result of overdose is not known yet: such cases are not fixed.

How to take the remedy "Notta" during pregnancy and whether it should be given to young children

Whether it is possible to use a note to pregnant women or during lactation, the doctor decides.

To give pills or drops of "Notta"children up to a year, there must necessarily be a doctor's recommendation. The decision on this is taken strictly in the individual order and depends on the child's body, its general condition and the transferred diseases. At such an early age, it is not known how the prescription of the drug "Notta" can be affected by children. Reviews and sufficient information about this use are not available.

Storage conditions

Storage methods and shelf life are different fordrops and tablets "Notta". Instructions for use guarantee the quality of the solution up to 5 years if stored in a place where the temperature does not exceed 25 ° C, direct sunlight does not reach and does not affect the electromagnetic fields. Tablets are suitable for use for no more than 3 years and should be stored under similar conditions. It is not necessary to use Knott after the expiration date has expired.

Components of drops "Notta" are vegetable, therefore during long storage there can be a little muddy solution or weaken the smell, which in principle does not affect its pharmacological properties.