Nuclear weapons and their types

Nuclear weapons are oneof the most powerful. Its development is carried out by many countries. Five of them can be called nuclear powers. This is the United States, China, Russia, France and the United Kingdom. Still some states are engaged in development in this area, but have not yet reached the necessary level. The goals that are pursued by them are not always humane. Therefore, its production should be reduced and kept under special control.

The history of creation is quite long. But the first tests of nuclear weapons took place in 1945, when the US dropped bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. There was a terrible catastrophe. Destructions and sacrifices were numerous. Many years later, the echoes of these explosions made themselves felt.

Nuclear weapons operate by dividing the nuclei of heavy elements (plutonium, uranium, etc.). Its charge can be of several kinds.

Thermonuclear is one of the varieties. Its action is to synthesize light metals. For this to happen, it is necessary to create a very high temperature, which is achieved through an atomic explosion.

The neutron charge differs from the previous one by a large number of neutrons at the output.

Finally, a clean charge, which is distinguished by a low number of radioactive isotopes.

Nuclear weapons consist of an automatic system and a shell. These are its main elements.

The shell plays the role of a reservoir for nuclear charge anddirectly the automation system itself. It also serves as a protection against accidental damage and exposure to the environment. The automation system is designed to perform an explosion only at a certain time. It also prevents accidental explosion of charge. It consists of several parts: a charging system, a power source, an emergency detonation system, protection and explosion sensors.

For the delivery of weapons to their destination, winged, anti-aircraft and ballistic missiles and aircraft are used.

The power of nuclear weapons is great. It is divided into the following calibers: small, ultra-small, large, medium and super-large.

Nuclear weapons can be used in the air,Underground or above its surface. The explosion is carried out in the airspace and can be high and low. Also distinguish between ground or underwater explosions, which occur directly above the surface, and underground or underwater.

How does nuclear weapons operate? Its explosion is caused by certain factors. First, this is a mechanical effect. It produces a shock wave, which occurs immediately after the explosion. Secondly, this thermal effect. This is a significant increase in temperature in the affected area. After the explosion in Hiroshima, this zone was 4 kilometers. In this radius, the temperature reached a level at which the human body turned into ashes. And the last impact, resulting from a nuclear explosion, is radiation. It starts from the moment of the explosion and lasts a very long time.

The power of the action of each of these stages depends on the type of charge. The further the object or person from the site of the explosion is located, the less the degree of impact of nuclear weapons.

Less powerful is tactical nuclear weapons. It is designed to destroy individual targets. These include air bombs, torpedoes, deep mines, etc. Practically all such recognized nuclear powers have such weapons. The total volume of such charges does not exceed several kilotons.

Before mankind there is a task not to admitproliferation of nuclear weapons and prevent an arms race. It serves not only to maintain peace, but can also cause the destruction of all mankind.