Useful tips: how to cook sea buckthorn oil at home

Healing properties of sea-buckthorn are known fromtime immemorial. From the fruits of this unique plant, oil is made, which is used to treat all kinds of wounds and diseases of internal organs. Today in pharmacies you can easily buy this "bouquet of vitamins", but if you grow a seabuckthorn bush on your garden, then tips for how to make sea buckthorn oil at home are certain. There are several ways of self-preparation of this medicine, they are all quite simple and do not require any special skills or equipment.

how to cook sea buckthorn oil at home

homemade sea-buckthorn oil

Applications of sea buckthorn oil

Both pharmacy and home-made sea buckthorn oil has excellent analgesic,antibacterial and healing properties, so it is used to treat a variety of wounds, frostbite and burns. In addition, this drug is widely used for polyarthritis and rheumatism - on the basis of sea buckthorn oil compresses and lotions are made. For the treatment of gastritis and ulcers, as well as with heart disease and hypertension, the oil is taken orally several times a day. Good sea buckthorn and with sinusitis, tonsillitis and tonsillitis - with these diseases it is recommended to keep a teaspoon of warm oil in your mouth for several minutes. Sea-buckthorn oil is also used to purify the body of radiation and heavy metal salts, and also for the treatment of various infectious diseases. in sea-buckthorn contains components that perfectly cope with streptococci and Escherichia coli. However, it should be remembered that people suffering from pancreatitis, kidney disease and cholelithiasis, sea buckthorn oil is contraindicated.

How to cook sea buckthorn oil at home? Recipe 1

how to make sea buckthorn oil

Preparation of this tool is carried out byextraction of oily substances contained in fruits. From the proposed recipes you can learn how to cook sea buckthorn oil at home correctly and quickly. So, 1 kg of selected fruits should be thoroughly rinsed with boiled cold water, and then dried. Further, the fruit of the sea buckthorn is covered in enameled dishes and kneaded with a wooden tolstick. From the obtained gruel with the help of gauze you need to squeeze the juice, pour it into a ceramic or glass container and leave for a day for sludge. After 24 hours, the oil rises to the surface of the sea buckthorn juice, which should be carefully collected with a spoon in another glass container, tightly closed and placed for storage in a cool place.

Recipe 2

From this recipe you will learn how to makeSea buckthorn oil is not made from fruit juice, but from pulp. Seabuckthorn berries are grinded, juice is squeezed out of them, and the remaining mash is carefully dried for several hours in a warm, unclosed oven until it is dark brown. The dried pulp is grinded on a coffee grinder and poured into three parts of any (except cotton) warm refined vegetable oil. The mixture is poured into a glass container and insisted for 3 weeks, after which it is filtered and used for the intended purpose.

Storage of homemade sea-buckthorn oil

By the way, it is useful to know not only howcook sea buckthorn oil at home, but also how to properly store it. To save all the valuable substances of this product, it should be stored in a tightly closed glass or ceramic container at a temperature of +5 ... 7 degrees. Shelf life of sea buckthorn oil is 2 years.