To help the gardener. How will get rid of the whitefly in the greenhouse?

Friends, a whitefly is an insidious insect! Fighting it is one of the most difficult, but possible. In this article we will learn how to get rid of the whitefly in the greenhouse.

The main thing is not to be late!

Friends, keep in mind that many insecticides (andpesticides, too) in this case may become ineffective. The fact is that the fight against the whitefly in the greenhouse should take place when the insect is in the larval stage or in the adult. At a later date, all chemicals will become useless.

Who is the whitefly?

This is a garden pest that looks like aphids. Whitefly has a yellowish shade. The length of its body is no more than 1.5 mm! With the naked eye, it will be very difficult to identify it. Many thousands of whitefly swarms in a few days destroy the plant, sucking out of it all the juices!

how to get rid of whitefly

Not all cats are sour cream!

Before we tell you about how to get rid offrom whiteflies in the greenhouse, a small reservation should be made. Note that attacks from this pest are more susceptible to hothouse crops, because the favorite place of the whitefly are greenhouses and greenhouses! It is in them for the insect to create the ideal climatic conditions.

fight with whitefly in the greenhouse

As we said above, very often the fight against the whitefly can be ineffective due to the delay and lack of the necessary integrated approach to this problem. About this and talk further.

How will get rid of the whitefly in the greenhouse?

If you are competent to do this, you can not onlyto save the future crop and available plants from this pest, but also to prevent its further appearance! How to do it? Comprehensively! This requires the treatment of greenhouse crops with special insecticides. Which ones? Now you will know everything!

whitefly in the greenhouse how to fight

  1. Spring - this is the time of appearance of the first adultswhitefly. It is at this time that everything must be done to prevent them from multiplying. To do this, you need to water the plants in the greenhouse with a special tool of the trademark "Aktar" (be sure to read the attached instructions). Note that drip irrigation is effective. The drug "Aktar" has an effect on new larvae through a conductor in the form of a treated plant for 20 days.
  2. If the whiteflies are already many - use the tank mix of "Talstar" and "Comfidor". However, this is not all!
  3. But what if all the stages are already observeddevelopment of this insect? How will get rid of whitefly in a greenhouse in this case? To do this, use special mixtures that affect the eggs, larvae and imago of the insect. Choose the mix "Fitoverma" and "Admiral" and all the same "Comfidor" and "Talstar." Conduct up to four treatments with a weekly interval. You can use "Imidor", "Biotlin", "Novaktionom", "Kalash", "Kemifos" and other chemicals that are so afraid of whitefly in the greenhouse.
  4. How to deal with this insect yet? Friends, you can as it is necessary to weather the greenhouse in the winter season. The temperature of 10-15 degrees below zero is fatal for the whitefly.
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