Ogorodnikam to note: how to plant garlic in spring

Honorary place in a row of vegetables loved by truck farmerstake onions and garlic. Naturally, that the harvest turned out good, it is necessary to know what, when and under what conditions to plant, how to care for a particular culture. Literate farmers always have a few tricks in reserve, thanks to which they get the desired result.

Garlic of autumn and spring planting (winter and spring)

how to plant garlic in spring
Like cereals, garlic can be plantedtwice a year - early spring and autumn. Therefore, all its varieties are divided into spring and winter crops. Each species has its pros and cons. Take winter garlic. Planting on the plot is made in autumn. It is better ripening, it has large denticles, juiciness and vigorous taste. But to save it for longer than a few months, does not work even in the refrigerator. The heads begin to turn black, deteriorate, rot. Spring is much better adapted for long-term storage, it will last for the whole autumn, winter and spring, and if the harvest is rich, then next summer.

Features of spring planting

Before you start the garden works,should understand what kind of soil is suitable for planting garlic. Of course, chernozems fit first. In addition, the soil is loamy - light and medium. Naturally, they will require good fertilizers, humus. When the plants go into growth, nitrogenous and potassium supplements will need to be introduced into the soil. Without such feeding, the heads of garlic grow small, with small denticles. And now some basic rules on how to plant garlic in the spring:

  1. winter garlic planting on the backyard
    You must choose the correct time. The soil should warm up not less than +5 degrees, and the danger of frost should be ruled out, otherwise the garlic will freeze and not germinate. Therefore, the optimal landing time will be the middle - the end of April or the beginning of May. However, do not hesitate. If you miss the right moment, not knowing when and how to plant garlic in the spring, by the time of harvest, it just will not have time to grow and mature properly.
  2. For spring and autumn planting is obligatorysorting of teeth. In one row, you should plant about the same - because the size affects the growth rate. Therefore, do this: small - to small, medium - to medium, and large plant in one row. Then dig up the garlic can be as it ripens.
  3. The following rule regarding how to plantgarlic in spring: it must be germinated in advance. To this end, prepared zubchiki, healthy, for a couple of hours, soak in warm water. "Tint" it with a small amount of "blue stone" - copper sulfate. By doing this, you will kill various pathogenic larvae and bacteria, and obviously healthy seedlings will enter the earth. Then they can be wrapped in a slightly moistened rag, and let them lie down until the germs are released in the refrigerator, in the vegetable compartment.
  4. what kind of primer is suitable for planting garlic
    How to plant garlic in spring, to what depth - moreone important question. Pits do not do deep - three centimeters is enough. After all, the first sprouts in garlic are small, it will be difficult for them to make their way through a thick layer of soil, and even the harvest will take much longer to ripen.
  5. The ground before the landing of the teeth must be preparedaccordingly. First of all, the future rows should be poured with a weak solution of the same vitriol. The proportion of the solution is 1 spoon (dining room) per bucket of water. In general, drugs that contain kuprum (copper), help in the fight against pests and plant diseases, so stock up. They are also good for protecting tomatoes from aphids and other parasites.
  6. For garlic, light and heat are important. Therefore, it should be planted on sunny or slightly shaded areas. The soil must be moist, but not wet, not burning, otherwise the plant will simply rot.
  7. And the last rule: many owners in order to save space, plant several crops nearby, butt. So, garlic does not tolerate such neighbors as cucumbers and onions. Therefore arrange their beds at some distance from each other. At the most landing, the distance between the holes in the row should be 6-8, and in the aisles - 10-15 centimeters. Good luck in your garden business and good harvest!
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