Homeland of the plant geranium and popular flower species

This beautiful and useful flower, which fell in oura country from Europe back in the 17th century, very quickly gained unprecedented popularity. However, the birthplace of the Geranium plant is the hot South Africa and the spicy India. Most botanists agree that this flower was spread even on the ancient supercontinent of Gondwana, which united India, Australia and Africa.

homeland of geranium

Only at the end of the 16th century geranium was brought toGreat Britain from South Africa. It should be noted that it is at this time that Europe becomes the center for the selection and cultivation of rare species of edible and ornamental plants. This was facilitated by the development by the British and Spanish sailors of the new exotic lands of Africa and India. The homeland of geranium, which we know and grow today, is the United Kingdom. In those days, it was popular to bring interesting representatives of flora and fauna to expand catalogs of royal gardens and menageries, as well as to meet the needs of rich breeders.

The huge family of Geraniums includes twokind of plants. The first representative is Pelargonium, which can be found on the windowsills of many in our country. The second kind is geranium itself. This flower is suitable for growing at home, and for landing in the front garden in the open ground. Many beginners and experienced growers often confuse pelargonium and geranium: the native land of the plant, the appearance and the conditions of their maintenance are almost identical, but they are not the same. The first genus consists of about 280 species, and the second - more than 430, but every year new representatives of this home handsome appear thanks to tireless work of breeders from all over the world. To distinguish one plant from another, you need to carefully study the flowers: in geranium they will be radially symmetrical, collected in small semi-zonotics and almost regular shape. But the inflorescence of pelargonium has bilateral symmetrical zygomorphic flowers.


Popular types

Homeland Geranium - India, the most popularsorts come from there. It also occurs in Africa. Let us dwell in more detail on several common plant species, which are the most beautiful representatives of this family.

Geranium quadrangular - a bush height of 30-70 cm. Flowers appear in spring and summer (depending on the planting period) and outwardly resemble a butterfly. South Africa - the birthplace of the plant geranium quadrangular. Color colors can be from soft cream to light pink. The plant prefers well-lit window sills and a temperature of at least +10 aboutC. In the spring and summer geraniums are watered abundantly, and the cool season is moderately. As a primer, nutritious soil with a quality drainage is suitable.

Geranium Curly - an excellent variety for growing inhome conditions. This shrub reaches a height of 30-60 cm and has a very branched system of leaves. The homeland of the plant is geranium curly - South Africa (Cape province). Flowers have a bright color from pink to rich-lilac, and rather short legs. The first buds appear in July, and full wilting and maturation of micro-seeds occurs in late August.

homeland of geranium

Any selected grade of pelargonium or geraniumrequires fertile soil, high-quality irrigation and a bright, well-ventilated place in the house or on the site. Despite the resistance of the plant to various diseases, one should not tolerate decay of the roots.